Introducing Nibbs gin…
Nibbs is a small family business based in Surrey, producing small batch artisan gin. Please see below for our two current flavours…
Nibbs Elderflower Gin
First is our bestselling Elderflower Gin, this is made using freshly picked elderflower from the Surrey and Sussex countryside. Handpicked fresh elderflower, lemon and lime help give our gin a refreshing natural taste.
The Elderflower Gin is a speciality cocktail gin which has been distilled with a secret recipe of botanicals by our award winning distiller. This is cut to a drinking strength of 40% which complements the fresh elderflower taste with subtle tastes of juniper.
Nibbs Elderflower Gin 70Cl | RRP £39.50
Nibbs Elderflower Gin 20Cl | RRP £17.50
5cl bottles are also available for wedding favours- please get in touch if you wish to place an order!
*Please note that due to the natural ingredients sedimentation and suspension may occur and we recommend storing in a cool place out of direct sunlight.
Nibbs Surrey Hops Gin
Our second flavour is our ‘Surrey Hops’ gin using local Farnham hops as a botanical. Surrey Hop farming dates back to the 1600’s and our gin celebrates centuries of local tradition and flavours. Fresh hops are balanced with citrus undertones and our special blend of botanicals gives our gin a delicious, unique taste. Our ‘Surrey Hops’ gin is a classic dry gin, also cut to a drinking strength of 40% but retaining its natural and complex flavours.
Nibbs Surrey Hops Gin 70Cl | RRP £35.00
Nibbs Surrey Hops Gin 20Cl | RRP £15.00
5cl bottles are also available for wedding favours- please get in touch if you wish to place an order!
*Please note that due to the natural ingredients sedimentation and suspension may occur and we recommend storing in a cool place out of direct sunlight.